An Exhilarating Performance from MarchFourth at the WOW Hall
The group’s dancer is accompanied by various drums, brass, and string instruments.
By Jack Skidmore
The visual captivation of a live MarchFourth show is like no other. The band has a knack for incredible entertainment value while delivering high-quality music. As the name suggests, MarchFourth (abbreviated to M4) utilizes marching band style as a guiding theme of their live presence. However, with the integration of rock, jazz, and funk music, the group builds the perfect storm of diverse styles aided by the whimsicality of their marching band-esque uniforms.
M4’s trumpet player delivers a bright improvisation. Photo by Jack Skidmore.
Formed in Portland in 2004, M4 has thrived within its originality. First known as MarchFourth Marching Band, the group continues to showcase the beloved eccentricity of their home city through their zany appearance and style. M4 has always had a very high number of members to play a large array of instruments and perform dances and circus-style acts on stage. The direction of the band is constantly shifting due to the influx and outflux of musicians and performers. Their shows differ greatly from one tour to the next with new musicians as well as new planned acts.
The opening DJ for M4 plays the keytar. Photo by Jack Skidmore.
On Friday, February 9th, I attended M4’s opening show for their 2024 winter tour at the WOW Hall in Eugene. This was my third time seeing the group live and my first time seeing them in an indoor venue. At first, I was apprehensive about the venue because I expected it to be constraining for performance integration during the show. When I had seen M4 at outdoor venues, they utilized the vast space as a blank canvas for elaborate circus-style acts. One of my favorite of these occurred when I saw M4 at the Oregon Country Fair. The two leading members of the band walked over the crowd on stilts while the band played on stage. WOW Hall would pose difficulty in accomplishing these types of acts.
The performer wields the diabolo at center stage. Photo by Jack Skidmore.
One of the most enjoyable aspects of attending this show was being surrounded by a great crowd. Many members of the crowd upheld a similar dress code to the band members, and a few wore colorfully designed marching band hats similar to that of M4. Furthermore, the floor was consumed by an ongoing dance party from start to finish of M4’s set. On their website, the band describes themselves as “a kaleidoscope of musical and visual energy that inspires unabashed dancing and an atmosphere of celebration.” This vitality was alive and well within WOW Hall on the evening of February 9th.